St George's CE Primary School

Welcome to our class page...The place where you will find out all there is to know about Puffin Class.

The Year 1/ 2 teachers are: Mrs Towell, Mrs Wright and Mrs Jamieson

This is our Weekly Class Timetable

This our Year 1 / 2 curriculum on a page

Half Term Homework Project (Autumn 1) -Geography

Expectations for reading at home

Reading at home is very important in helping your child to learn new vocabulary and improve their spelling. Reading lets us explore new worlds and opens up our imagination.

It is our expectation that children will read their reading books at least three times each week and each time it will be signed by the grown up they have read with. In Puffin Class, once the children have ten signatures in their reading record they will earn a raffle ticket to be in with a chance of winning a half termly reading hamper!

Reading books and records should be in school daily and will be changed every Wednesday for colour banded books or in line with their Read, Write Inc Teacher's 3 or 5 day timetable for the RWI phonics paper book bag books.

We now have access to Oxford Owl Online eBooks. All children have come home with their log in details last week. Once they log in they will find their books assigned to them. There are a lot of books! The aim is not to read them as quickly as possible but to support comprehension at home by having a go at the end of book online quiz questions.. An expected reader is someone who is fluent and has a good understanding of what they have read.

Times Tables

In year two we will begin to learn our times tables. 
Every child will been given a login to Times Tables Rockstars. To log in click on the link below. To access the website make sure you type the school name in as it is below otherwise it won't find St George's. St George's CE Primary, Mossley


Hansel and Gretel dropped off two gingerbread houses for us to decorate this week...