St George's CE Primary School



Fair is everyone getting what they need in order to be successful!
Fair is everyone getting what they need in order to be successful!


Our Pupil Premium

 The Pupil Premium is a grant provided to schools to target pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds.


Every child, with their individual needs and gifts, is a unique gift from God. The Pupil Premium Grant is additional funding to help support schools to close the attainment gap between children from disadvantaged families and their peers. A provision is also made for children who have a parent in the armed services.

 For more information about the Pupil Premium Grant, its aims and background, click HERE to visit the DFE website.




At St George's CE Primary we are committed to ensuring that every child makes the best possible progress and are given the highest standards of teaching and learning through Quality First Teaching. All members of the staff and Governors are stead fast in meeting the pastoral, social, emotional and academic needs of all pupils in our school.

 We believe the benefits provided by the extra funding should be available to all our children within school who could be considered to be vulnerable irrespective of whether they receive Pupil Premium funding. It should be noted that the children identified as requiring the additional levels of support are not necessarily those who fulfil the above criteria and upon which the school receives the Pupil Premium funding. There is no expectation that all Pupil Premium children will receive identical support; indeed the allocation of budget for each child feeds into the schools budget for pupil premium, rather being ring fenced for an individual child. Some children will need more than others and each child is individual with individual circumstances. The school considers how to allocate pupil premium money on an annual basis following rigorous data analysis and careful consideration of the needs of the children within this group




 STG PP Strategy 2024.docxDownload
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