St George's CE Primary School



Mossley and Carrbrook Partnership


 The partnership between Mossley Hollins High School, Milton St John, Micklehurst All Saints, St George’s, St Joseph's and Livingstone Primary Schools was established in January 2012 and continues to flourish providing so many extra opportunities for our children. 


The aim of the partnership was to join up educational thinking and working across the primary and secondary sectors to make learning, progress and attainment from 3-16 as seamless as possible within the communities, for both families and schools.

The schools in the partnership and representatives from their governor bodies collaborate on:
Achievement; Teaching & Learning; Behaviour & Safety; Attendance & Punctuality; Curriculum; Enrichment; Extra Curricular Provision
and Leadership & Management.


The MCSP allows our pupils to:

  • Participate in inter-school sports competitions
  • Participate in inter-school times tables and spelling competitions
  • Have a broader curriculum and wider experiences such as a themed Spanish day
  • Enjoy weekly PE lessons taught by a skilled coach   

The MCSP allows our staff to:

  • Work together to agree assessments
  • Share ideas for a better transition between primary and secondary
  • Share good ideas and teaching strategies
  • Share ideas for further school improvement
  • Access joint training and development opportunities
  • Have a joint approach to attendance and punctuality


If you wish any further information please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Claire Byrne, Administration Manager, at Mossley Hollins High School


Examples of Events held together


Careers Fair

Year 6 pupils joined with Year 8 pupils from Mossley Hollins at the Mossley and Carrbrook Schools’ Partnership (MCSP) Careers’ Event. The event gives the pupils important information about career options, the world of work and job opportunities. The pupils also explore the variety of pathways open to them and find out about the skills that are needed to be successful in further education and the world of work.


Primary Olympics

All schools send KS2 children to take part in an inter-school sports competition.  Events include long jump, javelin, skipping race, sack race and sprint.  Points are added to a school total and the school with the highest points is awarded a trophy