Governing Body (Local Advisory Board - LAB)
As from 1st September 2023, following the school's conversion to the Multi-Academy Trust, Forward As One, all governors are now part of the Local Advisory Board of the school. They will meet half termly. Three of the meetings (one each term) will be clerked by the Trust. The other three meetings will be unclerked and will give the subject leaders opportunity to present to the governors.
The chair of governors is Mr Steve Rooney. His contact details are
Name |
Category |
Which body appoints |
Term of office starts |
Term of office ends |
Positions of responsibility |
Percuniary Interests/links |
Mr Steve Rooney |
Trust |
Trust |
27.08.24 |
26.08.28 |
Chair of Govs |
Mrs Ann Goddard
Diocesan |
Manchester Board of Education |
01.09.23 |
31.08.27 |
Mrs Claire Batty
Foundation |
PCC St George's |
01.09.23 |
31.08.27 |
Parent of child at school |
Mr Will Langstaff
Parent |
Parents of the school |
02.01.24 |
01.01.28 |
Parent of children at school |
Ms Victoria Browne |
Parent |
Parents of the school |
01.09.24 |
31.08.28 |
Parent of children at school |
Revd Denise Owen |
Ex-Officio |
PCC - Vicar of St George's Church |
01.09.24 |
Ms Jasmine Walker
Teaching Staff |
Staff |
01.09.23 |
31.08.27 |
Mrs Emma Hanson |
Staff |
Staff |
01.09.23 |
31.08.27 |
Mrs Carolyn Divers |
Headteacher |
01.09.23 |
31.08.27 |
Jennifer Mills
Clerk to the LAB |
Forward as One MAT |
Who are we responsible to?
School governors are responsible to and must be prepared to explain their actions to anyone with a valid interest in the school. This includes parents, staff, pupils, the LEA Manchester Diocese, Dfes and the local community.
What do we do?
Being a governor of a Church School is a vital Christian ministry. It involves time, energy and a willingness to become involved in the life of the school on a regular basis. It requires the prayerful and practical support of the local Church. The governing body has a strategic role and must not be confused with the role of the headteacher. It develops policy in consultation with the staff of the school, approves these policies and monitors their implementation. The headteacher, aided by any leadership team, is responsible for the implementation of these policies and the day-to-day management of the school. The Education and Inspections Act 2006 gives the governing body the additional duties to promote the well-being of pupils at the school, promote community cohesion and have regard to any relevant children and young people's plan.