St George's CE Primary School

Robin Class 24/25 (Nursery/Rec)


Welcome to Robin Class!

Class Teacher: Mrs Hanson 

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Cane

The Early Years is an exciting and important stage in children's lives. Reception builds the foundation of children's learning and enables them to learn to become independent, resilient learners in an exciting, interactive environment. At St George's Children will have the opportunity to explore both the indoor and outdoor, building relationships in a safe, secure and happy environment

Weekly Timetable

Curriculum overview



The text we are sharing this week is......

Don't Hog the Hedge


Weekly Newsletter

Continuous Provision Areas

Weekly Big Draw

Every Friday morning the children participate in a big draw linked to the topic being covered. Take a look at some of the work the children have produced.


In Maths we follow Mastering Number it aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.

P.E Sessions

This half term Robin class are participating in weekly gymnastic sessions. The focus for this week was different ways of travelling. The children used different parts of their body to travel in different directions at different speeds.

Hedgehog Houses

The children arrived in school on Monday morning to find Hattie the Hedgehog wrapped in a blanket with a letter addressed to Robin class. The letter outlined how Hattie needed the children's help to create a hibernation home to keep her warm. The children were eager to help and devised a list of resources needed to create the home and produced a design of how it would look. As a class the children searched the school grounds for leaves, twigs, moss, petals and grass and worked in small groups to build the house with the resources collected. These look amazing and I'm sure Hattie will be snuggly and warm hibernating in them.

The Five Senses

The children participated in a senses walk around the local area identifying what they could see, hear, touch and smell. From this the children completed a range of activities in class to support the sense, these included making texture hands, music shakers, paper cup telephones and multicoloured glasses.

Look What We Have Been Doing In Class.....