The Maths lead at St George's is Mr Rowlands
St George's uses White Rose Maths to deliver its sessions. By using the mixed age planning, we can ensure that all content is covered for each of the year groups as seen below
Calculation Policies
Calculation Policy
The teaching of the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), follow our calculation policy. This policy is designed to ensure the children develop a deep understanding and fluency in applying a range of strategies through the use of a range of equipment, informal and more formal methods of calculation as they move through KS1 and KS2.
Y6 Specific Policy
Below is a Year 6 specific policy that deals with some of the methods needed during Year 6.
Fractions Policy
Below, we have uploaded a Year 6 Fractions policy to help with understanding of what is needed by the end of KS2.
Home Learning
1 minute maths is a free to use app or website that helps children of all ages with the basics of mathematical fluency:
- subitising
- addition
- subtraction
- multiplication
- division
You can follow the link below to use the website version:
and enter the three word phrase: pan-tap-dol
OR you can use the download the app through either the app store, Google play or even through your Kindle
Times Table Rock Stars is what school use to help children with their times tables. The children all have their own personal login and password which is available from their class teacher or Mr. Rowlands.
They can challenge each other and the staff to battles and we will run battles across the school throughout the year.
The children can customise their Rock Star with new clothes, hairstyles and instruments.
Follow the link below to login and get rocking!